Manuscript Feedback:
Have up to 15 Pages read, edited, and critiqued. Important: you must adhere to the guidelines below to have your manuscript critiqued!
Publishing Options:
Mindy will give the pros and cons of self-publishing, hybrids, choosing a publisher, as well as query letter questions, and more.
Marketing Your Book: Get all the inside scoop.
Word count: Maximum 3800 words = about 15 pages, double-spaced.
Submit: Double-spaced in a Microsoft Word document (prefer it NOT be a PDF)
Email to:
Email Subject Line: SSI Editing Workshop
Genres accepted: Fiction, Nonfiction, and Children’s books. Although not their forte, if anyone from our poetry group would like to submit, they are happy to read your work and offer advice
All meetings will be 15 minutes in length and held at Jittery Joe’s in Redfern Village.
If you have any questions - please reach out to Linda, who coordinates our “Writers Helping Writers” workshops at
You can sign up for 3 different sessions!